At A Guardian Angel Adoptions we can help you by providing you with adoption support, answering your questions, and guiding you throughout your adoption process. You are never alone.

The adoption process
Step 1
Contact our team 24/7 and learn about your options.
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Call Expectant Mother Services
(877) 742-6435
Step 2
Fill out the forms online to begin the process
Step 3
Once your forms are filled out a caring member of our staff will be in touch with you to help you make your personalized adoption plan.
Housing Tour
We provide our birthmothers with a comfortable living space throughout the duration of their pregnancy
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Expectant Mothers FAQ
Where do I start?
You can begin your adoption journey by filling out our birth parent application that is available online or by contacting one of our adoption counselors on our toll-free, 24-hour line. (877) 74-ANGEL. You may also text or email using the links on this site. A Guardian Angel Adoptions is here to provide the best adoption assistance for you and your child.
How much will my child know about me?
You and your chosen adoptive family will be able to discuss how little or how much as well as the information you would like them to share with your child.
Does this cost me anything?
There are no financial costs to you as the expectant/birth parent. Our services are absolutely free for women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and are choosing an adoption plan for their baby. Every state has different adoption laws on expectant/birth parent expenses. We will be happy to discuss the options with you and the allowable expenses for the state you will be delivering in.
Will anyone find out?
As an expectant/birth parent, your privacy is one of our top concerns. As trained professionals with years of experience and countless successful placements, we ensure total confidentiality as you go through the adoption process. The choice about who you tell, when you tell them, and if you tell anyone, is ultimately up to you.
What if I go into labor and have not chosen a family?
Our waiting adoptive families are qualified and have often been waiting for years to find a baby to make their family complete. A last minute call that a baby is on the way would be a welcome blessing for any of them. Our caring staff is available 24/7 and able to help you make a last minute adoption plan. It is never too late to call us.
What hours are you available?
We have a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, toll-free phone line available to our birth parents at 877-74-ANGEL (877-742-6435). You may also text or email as well.
Who pays the medical bills?
The adoptive family will pay the medical bills that you might incur during your pregnancy and delivery.
What if the father doesn’t agree?
Laws vary in different states, but our adoption counselors are experienced and knowledgeable and can help you make a plan that best fits your situation. There are many factors that determine a birth father’s rights; for example, if he has not contributed to your welfare during your pregnancy or if your pregnancy is a result of a violent act, he may be disqualified from parental rights.
Often birth fathers don’t understand the adoption process, and when they receive reassurance from an adoption professional they are more likely to agree to the adoption.
Who chooses adoption?
Many women choose adoption. There are various and different reasons, but the common thread is the desire to give your baby the kind of life that you want for them, but you may not be ready to provide.
Can the child find me if they do a search one day?
If you would like to remain anonymous, then we will do everything possible to ensure your privacy as a birth parent. In many states, there are mutual consent registries that allow birth parents and the adopted child to find each other if they both choose to once the child is a legal age. For more information on these registries, you may speak to your adoption counselor about this question and they can help walk you through your options.
Can I get medical and living expense help during the process?
We provide you with living expenses, including safe comfortable housing and utilities, as well as food and clothing allowances during your pregnancy and for 6-8 weeks after delivery. We also provide travel expenses to and from our safe locations. Your medical expenses, as well as those of your baby, are also covered.
How much time can I share with my baby at the hospital?
If you so choose, you can have contact with your baby during your entire hospital stay. Even after your paperwork is signed you may still have all the time you need with your baby. Our babies are not released from the hospital until you are.
Can I choose a family for my baby?
Absolutely! You will be able to choose from our pre-qualified and screened families. And we will be there to assist you in making the final decision as to which family you would like to place your baby with.
What if I choose a family and then change my mind?
It is important that you feel completely comfortable with the family who will raise your baby. If you have reservations about the family you choose, we will work with you to find the perfect family for your baby.
How do I tell my friends and family about my situation?
The choice to share your adoption journey with others is no easy decision, but with the help of our counseling program, you will feel more confident in sharing your choice with those you love. You will want to have people around you who love and support you, and we advocate undertaking this journey with those who you know will be a positive voice throughout your experience. We are also always available to help you navigate the questions others may ask.
How do I respond if people tell me I am being “selfish”?
Placing your child with a wonderful and loving adoptive family is one of the most selfless gifts you can give. People may say things that are hurtful, but the important thing is for you to do what you think is best for you and your baby – no matter what others say. You are your baby’s mother and you are the one that knows what is best for both of you.
How will my other children react to the adoption? How do I tell them about it?
It is your personal decision regarding how much detail you share with your children about your adoption journey. If your children are young, they may not be able to fully understand what it is that you are planning to do. If your children are older, this is a wonderful time to use this experience as a teaching tool. You are sharing one of the most valuable gifts with another family. Our adoption counselors can also help you navigate the questions from your children and can explore the best way to share your plans with them. Through your experience your children can come to learn that adoption is a selfless and unselfish act.
Will I always wonder how my child is doing?
It’s normal to wonder how your child might be doing, but if you have chosen a more open adoption, you will receive letters, photos, and cards. You will have a post placement coordinator with a direct line to help you navigate your time after adoption. Having her by your side will help set your mind at ease, knowing you will be able to see how happy and well adjusted your baby is with his or her new family.
Will I regret my decision?
You may have these feelings as you move through the stages of grief during and after your adoption but knowing that your baby is in a home that you chose that is full of love and opportunities will help you find comfort in your decision. Your child will always know about you and the love you have for them. We believe this knowledge will allow you to not look back, but instead look forward at the great life your child will have.
Will I meet/talk to the adoptive family before the birth?
Yes, you will have the opportunity to speak with your adoptive family on a conference call shortly after you have chosen them and also to meet for dinner before delivery if you choose. This is a very exciting time for many birth mothers as they get to hear the voices of the family whose lives they are about to change forever. Hearing your adoptive family express their love, gratitude and excitement to receive your little one is a great blessing.
How involved can I be in the entire adoption process?
We encourage you to be as involved as you would like to be. You are the most important part of the adoption and we want you to have a wonderful experience. We will work carefully with you on your adoption plan and you will decide what is perfect for you.
How can I be sure these families are the best choices for my baby?
Our adoptive birth families are carefully screened and selected. They have to meet the strictest criteria: physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our adoptive families are required to pass criminal and child abuse clearances, prove financial security, medical insurance and must also complete a personal interview, as well as in home visits by a licensed social worker.
How much information about the adoptive family is shared with me?
You will be able to read a detailed adoptive family profile as well as an information sheet with non-identifying information about the adoptive family. If you have other questions that are not included in the pages you receive we are happy to get that information for you.
How much contact can I have with the family and child after the adoption?
You will fill out an openness agreement that is personally designed by you. This agreement allows you to share with us your desires about future contact with your adoptive family and child. Most expectant/birth mothers choose semi-open adoptions, however, there are many possibilities and we will help you decide what is perfect for you.
Once I sign the adoption papers, can I change my mind?
Laws vary by state, but in the State of Utah relinquishment paperwork cannot be signed for 24 hours after birth, and once signed, they are irrevocable.
How will the adoptive family tell the child about me and the adoption?
In today’s world, adoption is not usually a secretive subject and is typically celebrated by adoptive families and children alike. You will be loved, honored and appreciated by your adoptive family for the selfless gift you have given and that love and respect will always be shared with your child.
What can I expect to feel after I say goodbye?
Placing your child with an adoptive family can leave you with a variety of mixed emotions. You may feel sad that your baby will be leaving you, but excited that he or she will be welcomed into a wonderful new family where they will be cared for and have the opportunities and love you wish for them. It is important for you to remember that there are no right or wrong feelings or thoughts about your adoption experience. Be patient and loving with yourself and remember we are just a phone call away.
Is there someone I can talk with after the adoption about my feelings?
Yes! We provide counseling to you during the entire adoption process and can also offer resources and financial assistance with counseling once you return home. Please remember we are always available to help you navigate your feelings even after you place your baby and return home. You are never alone.
Will my baby hate me?
No, your baby will not hate you. Placing a child for adoption is a loving decision, especially if you are not in a place in life to give that child the kind of life you would want your child to have.
You will choose a carefully screened adoptive family that you can talk with, meet and feel comfortable with so that you can rest assured that your baby will be safe and loved always. Adoptive families love and cherish the birth mother that gave their baby the gift of life and the opportunity for them to be parents. The love and admiration your adoptive family will have for you will be shared with your baby from the very beginning.
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Where do I start?