Recognizing and Understanding Postpartum Depression as a Birth Mother

Postpartum depression is a common disorder that develops after giving birth. Learn how to identify and manage the symptoms of postpartum depression in yourself when you’ve chosen adoption.

As you consider or proceed with the adoption process, you will experience a wide range of emotions—but depression is not something you have to navigate alone. There are always people ready to help and support you.

If you are experiencing highly negative emotions after childbirth, you may have postpartum depression. Learn more about this disorder to understand its cause and find out the best methods, techniques and resources to manage it and begin recovery—and feeling better.

What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is a disorder that occurs in some mothers after they’ve given birth (generally three weeks after). It is a common condition experienced by women all over the world. The most prevalent symptoms are sadness, hopelessness and guilt.

Postpartum depression can occur for many reasons. It can be caused by the extreme hormonal fluctuations that happen after birth and the heavy stress of post-birth responsibilities. Women who have a personal or familial history of depression are much more likely to experience postpartum depression.

Recognizing the signs in yourself.

No woman experiences postpartum depression in exactly the same way, but there are several symptoms that are common to nearly everyone with this disorder. These symptoms are sadness, despair, lethargy, crying without an apparent reason, loss of interest in things you usually enjoy and excess sleeping.

It’s not always easy to recognize the signs of depression when you’re experiencing them, but knowing what to look for helps make identifying your symptoms much easier. Pay close attention to your daily emotions and note any lack of improvement over time.  

Take action to deal with this disorder.

It’s always best to act as soon as you notice any signs of depressive symptoms. If you suspect that you’re suffering from postpartum depression, get in touch with your doctor right away. They will be able to provide a proper diagnosis and prescribe the best treatments to help you heal.

Common treatments for postpartum depression include antidepressant medications and qualified counseling. When prescribed by a doctor, these treatments have been shown to help reduce the symptoms of this disorder. Sometimes support groups are also a good option.

There’s always help available to you.

Adoption can be an emotional process, but postpartum depression is something that you don’t have to live with. There are countless resources available to you to help manage the symptoms of this condition.

A Guardian Angel is a great asset to birth mothers who are experiencing depressive symptoms. We’re here to offer the support you need to rejuvenate your physical and emotional well-being and get you looking forward to the future.

Contact us today for assistance and resources for managing postpartum depression. Call (877) 742-6435 or text us at (385) 202-0094.