How Does a Safe Haven Baby Box Work?

If you spend any time watching the news, you have seen that through the years there has been a devastatingly large number of women abandoning newborns. Although most of us can’t comprehend what a woman must be going through to arrive at that desperate of a decision, there is something to help parents surrender newborns safely who are in a crisis. Safe Haven Baby Boxes are specifically for birth mothers who wish to remain anonymous.
Safe Haven Baby Boxes are on the outside wall of a designated building. When a person opens the door to the box, there is time to place the baby inside, and shut the door before a silent alarm signals first responders. Then, the Department of Child Services assumes custody of the baby and finds them a loving and caring forever home.
Where are Safe Haven Baby Boxes?
Safe Haven Baby Boxes are at fire stations or hospitals where EMT or other professionals are able to retrieve the baby almost immediately and give them the care needed. The concept ensures birth mothers are able to place their baby somewhere safely without person to person contact and remain anonymous. As expected though, every state has different laws.
To see a complete list of locations and addresses, visit
Alternatives to Baby Drop Off Boxes
Safe Haven Baby Box is not the only option if you are wanting to remain anonymous.
A Guardian Angel Adoptions offers closed adoptions that remain confidential and anonymous, just like a Safe Haven Baby Box. We help make sure our birth moms are comfortable throughout the adoption process, and you can be as involved in the process as much or as little as you would prefer.
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are unsure what your options are, please contact us and our loving and professional staff can answer any questions you may have.